Language Acquisition: Problems and Perspectives

Conference proceedings, XIII/XIV. Edited by Diāna Laiveniece. Liepāja : LiePA, 2018. p. 190

The conference proceedings “Language acquisition: problems and perspectives” has been published since 2001. It is monitored by an international scientific Editorial Board, which was led by Professor Dr. paed. Ārija Ptičkina until 2009. Since 2010 editor-in-chief is Professor Dr. paed. Diāna Laiveniece.

The collection of articles has a wide range of subjects, connected with acquisition of a native language and foreign language, as well as contextual studies in linguistics, pedagogy, psychology. The research of language learning is differentiated not only by languages (Latvian, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, German), but also by the age of language learners (language acquisition in early age and pre-school, school and higher education). Multilingualism and plurilingualism, intercultural communication and the impact of globalization, multicultural education environment and language teacher education, inter-language linguistics and bilingualism – these are the aspects  in the context of  which language acquisition is studied in the articles published in the collection “Language acquisition: problems and perspectives”.

The conference proceedings “Language acquisition: problems and perspectives, XIII/XIV” comprises 12 scientific articles based on the papers presented in Liepaja University international scientific conference Language acquisition: problems and perspectives (April 21, 2017).

Full text of conference proceedings is available here: